
I’m Lovin’ It

I’m Lovin’ It

is a linky party I host at the end of each week to celebrate things that make us happy….things we are loving!  Share your recipes, crafts, diys, photography, printables, products..anything you are loving! (**please do not link up parties or giveaways)

If you’d like to see previous I’m Lovin’ It parties over the last 8+ years click here

*The party post usually goes up live on Thursday evening around 5 pm CST and closed on Sunday at 9 pm CST

Do you have something to share? Let us know what you’re lovin’ this week! If you have something to share with us on your blog, add your link to the current week’s party. Just please be sure to:

  1. Add the permalink to the specific blog post, not your main url,  in the in inlinkz widget at the bottom of the post.
  2. Visit as many of the other participants as possible and leave comments! That’s what makes a party fun!! You don’t want to come to a party and have no one talk to you!!
  3. Let me know if you have any questions, problems or need help!


I’m amazed every week at all the creativity out there!! Each week I feature some of the posts that caught my eye from the previous week.

*All photos submitted to the I’m Lovin It linky party, grant the rights to display their photo on this website and other sites I write for.  Proper credit will always be given.  TidyMom is not responsible for stolen images or the misuse by others who have found your image through TidyMom.net.